Image Search Catfish is free web based software that detects (finds) human faces. It lets you perform People Search with photos to verify their identities, reverse image search catfish to discover the social media websites that the image appears online.
Catfish is Gtk+ based graphical tool that utilizes AI technologies and GUI search tool (zeitgeist) to search, locate and find search suggestions.

What Is Image Search Catfish?
Image Search Catfish is a reverse photo lookup that helps you find and verify a person’s online identify using images to track down online profiles, phone numbers, and email addresses ever used by that person.
You can find people and verify information like images across online profiles on the web.
Catfish image search allows people to lookup backward to find past information using image about people and verify people’s online identities.
What program does catfish use to search photos?
Catfish uses a simple software program powered by browser web-based scripts to perform a reverse image search to identify people & find faces.
What does catfish use to search photos
To search photos, Catfish uses a face recognition software application that works based on AI technology to perform reverse searches on the sample image against millions of images on its databases to identify people identities and match the exact photo and reveal the original source.
4 Smart Ways To Use Image Search Catfish
- Find and verify people you’ve met online or loved ones.
- Identify scammers that have contacted you on social media networks, tinder profile, dating sites, craigslist, reddit, unsolicited emails and over the phone.
- Find persons that you’ve lost touch with or contacts.
- To establish trust with unknown persons and confirm their identities.
How Image Search Catfish Works?
Image Search Catfish is a reverse image web service that helps you find friends and loved ones through images.
If the image is found on the web, image search catfish will find it and help you verify the person that the image originate from.
It uses Google free reverse image search technology coupled with its own AI facial recognition software application to provide you the best experience of finding someone behind the image.
Read: Google Reverse Image Search
Image Search Catfish also has built in advanced name search that allows you to find people in the U.S just by name to discover their social network handler, phone numbers and addresses.
Further Reading:
Image Search Catfish
Yandex Reverse Image Search
Image Search Catfish Uses
1. Online Profile Finder
Catfish Image search (works more like search by image android application or apps) helps identify details about any picture such as usernames used on social media networks, forums, and niche social networks to find a person that has more than one social accounts.
Related Reading: Yahoo Images – choose from a curated selection of free Yahoo photos
2. Criminal Records
Image search catfish app can be used as a criminal records search engine to verify anyone who has criminal record or registered as a sex offender.
3. Reverse Address Search
It also has built in reverse address app that helps you find out who has registered at that address through sample image searching. It helps provide additional vital information on loved ones and verify people’s identities.
Read: Yahoo Reverse Image Search – How To Perform A Reverse Image Search on Yahoo
4. Business Records Search
Image Search Catfish’s business records search is a handy tool you can use to look for leads. It’s able to verify business and owner information to increase your leads pipeline.
5. Licensed Professional Search
You can verify professional public records for anyone licensed and working with a contractor, DR, Insurance agent, or licensed professionals.
6. Reverse Email Address and Phone Numbers
Catfish Image search gives you the ability to verify a phone number and email address of someone that you don’t know who may have bombarded you with calls and unsolicited emails. Use the reverse phone search feature to confirm suspicious calls and emails.
Catfish Search Tools
Wondering what tools are used for catfish search. Here are my best picks for catfish search tools:
a. TinEye Reverse Image Search
TinEye is a reverse image search engine that works both on mobile and android phone. Search by image allow you to upload an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.
b. Reverse Image Search – Find Similar Photos Online
Do you want to search similar images across the internet? This tool makes it super quick and easy to do an image search for work or personal use.
c. Linux File Search Tool ‘Catfish’ Just Got Even Faster
Catfish is a go-to file search tool on the Ubuntu Linux desktop and going by improvements in its latest release, it might just become your best reverse image search tool.
d. Catfish in Launchpad
The Catfish is a versatile file searching tool. Catfish is a GTK+ search utility written in python. Its search is powered by find and locate, with search suggestions from Google image advanced search such as reverse face in Photo Google APIs.
e. Reverse Lookup – People Search
A reverse lookup allows people to work backwards to find information. … By using search people by image, you can find people and verify peoples’ online identities. You can do in depth checks using proprietary online tools like catfish app to verify things like online profile, social media username, snapchat username, address, phone numbers and email addresses.
f. Social Catfish
Reverse lookup to search and verify Identities on social networks. This catfish search tool helps you search for people (any user) and verify online connections to get information using deep web searches that you won’t get with a search engine like Google or social catfish on Reddit. Social catfish reviews are the best of its rivals.
g. Reverse Image Search (Catfish) & Online Face Finders – Face Detection
People search with photos / reverse image search catfish. So face detection finder is powered with a list of search engines that can compare images within a reasonably large database to identify faces within a specific image or picture.
h. Catfish File Search for GNU/Linux
Catfish is an extremely powerful, and yet extremely simplistic Gtk+ based graphical tool that utilizes multiple technologies to identify people’s identities across the web.
Also See: Facebook Image Search – How to Find FB Profile from a Picture with Reverse Image Search on Facebook
How To Spot A Catfish
- Observe if they are real or fake.
- Be suspicious if the person refuses to video chat with you.
- Check out the photos using reverse image search.
- Ask for photos – request them to take motion photos at the corner of their room or in front of a computer.
- Check their friends and/or followers.
- Do an online search to identify images, phone numbers and email addresses.
- Tell the person that you know it is not them in the pictures.
- Ask the person to reveal their true identity.
- Cut off all contacts with the catfish or people related to the catfish.
- Realize there are other people in life and on the internet to talk to.
- Meet new people.
- Do your favorite activities.
Social catfish is a reverse lookup to search and verify people’s identities and online connections on social networks, and reddit.
You won’t get its deep web searches technology with a search engine like Google, Yandex, reverse image search, Facebook image search, and Bing search engines.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Image Search Catfish
How Can I Search A Person By Photo?
Here are the steps how to search image from gallery on your iPhone, iPad or Computer?
- Go to Google Images or download Image search catfish app on Google store.
- In the search bar, click Camera icon.
- Paste the image URL or upload image.
- Click “Search” and
- You will see list of pages where that photo appears online.
How Do I Find Similar Images Online?
You’ll discover how to find similar images online using reverse image search, exactly how to find a catfish.
1. Go to and click on the camera icon in the search bar.
2. Upload the image or paste its URL in the search bar to search for similar images on the web.
3. Click “Search by Image”.
See Also: Facebook Reverse Image Search | How to Find Facebook Profiles From a Picture Step by Step?
Is There A Better Image Search Than Google?
Yes. It’s Bing Images.
How Do You Search A Catfish On Instagram?
Here’s how to spot and identify a fake social media profile online called catfish.
1. Use Google Image Search. Right click on sketchy profile image and click “Copy Image URL”.
2. Identify Catfish by performing a Google Image Search. This will spot a catfish instantly.
Instagram Reverse Image Search – How to Find Instagram User Profile From Photo
How Do I Stop Being Catfished?
Here’s the tricks how to avoid being cat fished.
- Be smart.
- Go slow.
- Meet as soon as possible.
- Verify further details.
- Fact-check anyone you met online.
- Protect yourself.
- Be offensive to the person.
What Is Catfished Online?
Online catfished is someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using social media to create false identities to engage in deceptive romance online.
It’s an online parlance that refers to someone who isn’t who they seem. It’s a person who has created a fake online identity to scam someone else he/she had engaged in a fake dating relationship unknown to the other partner about his/her real identity.
What is the image search they use on catfish?
As a free online software, Image Search Catfish helps you detects (finds) real human faces. It lets you perform advanced reverse image search or People Search with photos to verify their identities, reverse image search catfish to identify the original sources of the fake pictures catfished people took from.
Have you used any of the image search catfish tools before? What was your experience? Let me know in the comment below.